A Promise of Lavender
The LaMYC7 gene in lavender has been found to be crucial for producing the calming linalool and anti-inflammatory caryophyllene compounds in the plant.
"this is sixth form poetry, not Keats or Yeats"
The LaMYC7 gene in lavender has been found to be crucial for producing the calming linalool and anti-inflammatory caryophyllene compounds in the plant.
Vines and climbing plants are more likely to infest smaller trees in Southeast Asian forests, with significant implications for global carbon storage and climate change.
Planting hedges and flower strips in orchards helps to support wild bee communities, thereby improving pollination.
Artificial light in US cities affects the seasonal rhythms of plants, advancing the date of breaking leaf and delaying the colouring of leaves.
Your tarnished skin crinkles in the breeze, an ancient husk that juts from the Earth like a withered question mark; interrogating the exuberance that stirs
Beneath Diana’s pale embrace, two moths shimmer in the starlight; waltzing through moonbeams, as they flicker across the cool embrace of noon’s forgotten corsage. Suffused
Choking on the excessive vapours Of our abandoned debauchery Your stunted shoots flail awkwardly In artificial chambers of soil and sedge. Your weathered hands Fly
Breathe in. Your crown of precious hues Glimmers in the setting sun; A steadfast declaration that Your appearance will not be Ordained by the passing
You struggle for breath. And reach towards the sun With yellowed fingertips; Stunted roots Can no longer drink The static water that was Once a