Shadows in the Glass

Drinking water has been shown to contain hidden, persistent chemicals called 2,6-DHNPs, posing severe health risks even at low levels.

Fishy Traits

Fish can’t shrug, fish can’t cry, fish cannot get mad; fish can’t sulk fish can’t frown, or tell us if they’re sad. But fish can

Tidal Evolution

Sailing by moonlight you wallow in the opulence of your oceanic abode. An illusion of permanence concealing the current that now bathes you in shameful

Circles Beneath the Sea

Hidden below the waves an unknown artist plies his trade, moving purposefully to dig valleys and furrows at appealing angles that start to take shape;

An Entanglement of Whales

Basking in the tainted gloss of west coast rays, these once frigid waters overflow with sustenance, enticing anchovies to cavort along the coastlines; their corporeal

Deep-sea Tremors

From buried cracks And open wounds Shrouded scales Begin to seep. Cutting across murky waters Into buried memories And forgotten half-truths, Inky fingerprints Preserve their

Chemically Preserved in Jelly

Translucent orbs of moonlight Sail along our chalky coasts. Encased in an envelope Of teals and sapphires, Their chemical composition Reveals the secret tracks And

A (Mentally) Healthy Diet

Our mental health is complex and obscure, There is no simple truth for how we feel; Depression does not have a catch-all cure, But can

In Hidden Trenches

Within the deepest creases, out of sight, You glide along the ocean’s murky floor; Surviving in the darkest realms of night, Your body writhes above

Plastic Food

The oceans are awash with our debris, As plastics from our lives flow down the drain And travel down hewn channels to the sea, Where