Dead Red Tides

Almost all bodies of water have some algae, but in a red tide, the water changes colour because the population of algae living in the water becomes so dense. Off the west coast of Florida, these red tides are also likely to cause dead zones of life by starving the water of oxygen.

Basking No More

New research has shown that there has been a striking decrease in basking shark sightings in the California Current Ecosystem. In the mid-1900s, basking sharks were observed by the thousands each year off California’s coast. Now they are rarely seen at all in this region.

Magnetic Tides

Surging through the spray, swelling hands cast salty nets through unseen lines. Stripes of shaded power that bulge and swing and sway. Shearing swathes of

An example of the Donax obesulus surf clam that was used in this study to observe historical ENSOE events.

Close as a Clam

We scavenge the coastlines, in search of living, low-tech tools that carry within them the promise of our climate’s past and future tense. Geochemical proxies

Knots in Time

With season’s end you topple to the ground, aching, broken limbs held aloft by briny hands that bare you proudly to their sunken home. Drifting.

Poisoned Tusks

Jutting from the salted froth your solitary canine flashes in the midnight sun, revealing wrinkled rivulets that labour under our insignia; ivory forget-me-nots of all

Whaling Away

In the name of progress we pour your honeyed ichor down the jagged throats of our unquenchable machines, launching broken vessels to coax you from

Decapitating Slugs

A solar powered scalp slithers across the sea floor, surviving on the memories of meals consumed when you were whole. Your jettisoned corpse left to

Seismic Songs

An accidental echo on the line oscillates with the baritone of your misplaced song. Waves beneath waves traverse wires crossed with the rising beat of

The Smell of Coral

Stony gardens of shifting light sway vibrantly beneath the waves; rainforests of the sea, whose motely splendour permeates still waters with a pale and delicate