Risky Resilience

In the Western United States, an increase in forest resilience has been linked with a higher mortality risk for trees.

Woody Infestation

Vines and climbing plants are more likely to infest smaller trees in Southeast Asian forests, with significant implications for global carbon storage and climate change.

Washed into Dust

The Salton Sea, California’s most polluted inland lake, is turning into toxic dust caused by a decline in Colorado River flow.

Draining the Water Tower

Climate change will likely lead to irreversible declines in freshwater storage in the Tibetan Plateau by the middle of this century, impacting the supply freshwater for nearly two billion people.

Rising Injustice

Global Warming is likely to lead to a huge increase in heat-induced labour loss, which will mainly impact those who work outdoors and for low wages. A tragic example of environmental injustice.

Smoky Milk

Air pollution from wildfires is having a significant impact on the health of dairy cows in Idaho, lowering their milk production and potentially threatening the US dairy industry.

Invasive Singing

The red-billed leiothrix, a small brightly coloured bird native to subtropical Asia, is threatening to change the soundscape of the British dawn chorus.

Diverse Bumbling

Bumblebees are important pollinators but are suffering from population declines due to land use intensification and the effects of the climate crisis. New research has used citizen science data to develop potential conservation strategies for the future of bumblebees.

A Winter of Extinction

Greying mists once blocked out the sun, clouds of copper casting frosty shadows across cloaked and ancient skies. A false and deadly portent for the

The Storms of our Past

The scars of past assaults lie scattered on the shore. The force of every blow etched into the earth with the relentlessness of your approach;