Poisoned Tusks

Jutting from the salted froth your solitary canine flashes in the midnight sun, revealing wrinkled rivulets that labour under our insignia; ivory forget-me-nots of all

Vegetation Beneath the Ice

Under cover of violence we pulled you from your frozen past, geological collateral lying dormant in our hurried transits. Patiently you lay there, whispering at

Melting Lakes

Golden rays of winter’s sun pierce through the roof-shingle of the channel-sky, forbidden warmth enfolding frozen robes that shudder at the touch of an assumed

When the Mangroves Disappeared

Deep beneath the dunes fossilised roots whisper golden memories of emerald lagoons. When sapphire seas lapped tenderly at knotted feet, bathing sunken stems with the

Lunar Flow

Ancient forces dredge secrets from beneath the seabed, undulating stimuli unearthing memories of a long-buried past. Rising and falling with the passing tide dark shadows

Damming Loss

Returning to forsaken lands you cautiously rebuild your island homes; every log, branch, and mud pile pressed on with the precise hesitancy of re-colonised dreams.

The Smell of Coral

Stony gardens of shifting light sway vibrantly beneath the waves; rainforests of the sea, whose motely splendour permeates still waters with a pale and delicate

Bellwether Beetles

Tiny flecks of red dance across artificial rivers of powdered grain, their movements halted only by the confusing steps of a familiar other. The speed

Zombie Fires

Buried beneath the snow line, these smouldering corpses begin to glow. Forgotten fires, whose reanimated embers burn brightly across the tundra; frozen bodies recoiling at

Gnawing the Permafrost

Buried deep beneath the tundra, frozen bodies lie asleep, waiting for the trumpet call to raise them from their peaty beds. Saturated with the fossilised