Secrets Beneath the Ice

Recent research advances our understanding of icy moons like Enceladus and Europa, revealing potential for detecting extraterrestrial life through the analysis of ejected ice grains containing organic material.

Nuclear Transmutations

Scientists have developed a new technique to make nuclear waste safer by transforming it into stable elements, inspired by neutron star observations, promising advancements in clean energy and waste management.

Consumed Stars

Scientists have detected the faint glow of stars stripped of gas by voracious companions, revealing cosmic cannibalism through precise telescopic measurements.

Over Martian Shores

Mars’ water history, studied by NASA’s Perseverance rover in the Jezero crater, suggests past habitability and enlightens its climatic past.

Cosmic Reflections

Researchers have discovered a young Earth-sized planet orbiting a Sun-like star, ideal for studying planetary evolution.

In Venusian Skies

Venus’s clouds, rich in sulphuric acid and iron minerals, significantly influence its atmosphere and weather patterns.

Musical Measurements of the Spheres

Astronomers have used asteroseismology, the analysis of star vibrations, to precisely determine the distances of stars from Earth.

Footprints on the Moon

Humans, having made a significant impact on Earth, now mark the Moon, potentially starting a new era, the ‘Lunar Anthropocene’.

Twilight Galaxies

Discoveries of distant infrared galaxies challenge our understanding of the universe’s formation and evolution.

Distilling a Galaxy

Supermassive black hole at the centre of a galaxy can have a direct impact on the galaxy’s chemical distribution.