Silence in the Depths

The deep ocean’s biodiversity is threatened by overfishing, particularly of deepwater sharks and rays.

Death in the Shipping Lanes

The whale shark is the largest fish in the world, growing up to 20m in length. Despite their great size, this species is endangered, with industrialised shipping now found to have lead to a large number of collisions and potential whale shark deaths across the world.

Basking No More

New research has shown that there has been a striking decrease in basking shark sightings in the California Current Ecosystem. In the mid-1900s, basking sharks were observed by the thousands each year off California’s coast. Now they are rarely seen at all in this region.

Testing the Age of Sharks

Ageless giants glide beneath the waves, their stunted snouts sagging coyly at the impertinence of our horology. Careless in its caducity, one swims too close

A Scavenging Song

Sea air shimmers in the evening haze; The gentle rays from a setting sun Reflect the remnants of the passing storm, Cascading skywards in prismic