Ruin’s Vermin
Rats are thriving in warming, expanding cities, with rising populations linked to climate change, posing risks to health and infrastructure.
"this is sixth form poetry, not Keats or Yeats"
Rats are thriving in warming, expanding cities, with rising populations linked to climate change, posing risks to health and infrastructure.
Arctic permafrost thaw endangers communities, ecosystems, and infrastructures, necessitating adaptive strategies and policies.
Barn owls’ white plumage camouflages them against moonlit skies, enabling stealthy hunting by blending into their background and avoiding detection.
Ocean temperatures in 2024 reached record highs, signalling escalating global warming, with severe consequences for weather, ecosystems, and vulnerable communities.
Mars exploration has created an archaeological record, with researchers advocating to preserve humanity’s cultural and technological legacy.
India’s air pollution causes millions of deaths, highlighting the need for stricter regulations and interventions.
Boreal forests face warming risks as unstable permafrost reduces tree growth, limiting carbon storage.
Footprints reveal two ancient human species coexisted in Kenya, sharing lakeside environments 1.5 million years ago.