Small Debris on the Ground Beside Curiosity: This image from the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows a small bright object on the ground beside the rover at the "Rocknest" site (Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS).

The Bones of Mars

Mars exploration has created an archaeological record, with researchers advocating to preserve humanity’s cultural and technological legacy.

The Red Crater Clock

Seismic signals indicate that Mars is struck by approximately 300 basketball-sized meteorites each year, providing a novel method for dating planetary surfaces.

Over Martian Shores

Mars’ water history, studied by NASA’s Perseverance rover in the Jezero crater, suggests past habitability and enlightens its climatic past.

The Weight of Martian Water

Peeling back the blackened veins of ancient crust, forgotten fragments whisper soggy secrets. Their enforced exile loosening tongues that now bubble over with stories of

Plains of Paradise

The echoes of your past vibrate through space, And secrets lie beneath your broken skin; The cracks and rimless craters on your face, Reveal to

The Veins of Mars

Your crater stands abandoned in the dirt, As thirsty dreams evaporate for good; Beneath your dusty surface pressures spurt, Leaving behind deposits in the mud.

Curious Dunes

A distant sun sets over reddened lands, As ripples lay before you like a wave; Try reach out with your cold, synthetic hands, And touch

The Deep Tracks of Unwanted Advances

In ancient times your reddened sands, Were struck by courtiers from space; They scarred you with their giant hands, Then watched as tears fell down

Where Water Was

Your reddened skies and barren soils conceal A frozen mass, but once it was a sea Infrared telescopes can now reveal What could and should,

Mars None

Signing up to the new frontier, Travelling to no atmosphere. One-way ticket to the unknown, Knowing there’s no direction home.   Voyaging in to the