Chromatic Change

Scientists studied over 9,000 bird species to find out why there are so many colourful birds in the tropics and how these colours have spread over time.

Renewal in Green

Spending time in nature has been shown to significantly improve social, mental, and physical health in adults, suggesting it is an effective, accessible form of mental health support.

At the Edge of the Lakes

Rising lake temperatures from climate change will disrupt aquatic life, especially in warmer regions, causing significant habitat shifts.

Rats and Restoration

Restoring island habitats by eradicating invasive rats and reintroducing native plants can boost seabird populations, enhancing nutrient cycles and ecosystem health.

A Promise of Lavender

The LaMYC7 gene in lavender has been found to be crucial for producing the calming linalool and anti-inflammatory caryophyllene compounds in the plant.

Wasted Mussels

Radium from oil wastewater contaminates rivers and freshwater mussels, highlighting the need for stricter environmental controls.

Shadows in the Sea

Marine heatwaves impact Arctic phytoplankton, crucial to ecosystems, with stable warming boosting productivity, but varied responses highlight the need to consider both warming and cooling phases for accurate predictions.

Seismic Snow

Environmental factors like heavy snowfalls may have an impact on earthquakes.

The Weakening Pulse of Life

Research reveals Earth’s magnetic field was 30 times weaker 600 million years ago, possibly influencing the rise of complex life by affecting atmospheric oxygen levels.

Women of the Wildfires

Researchers in Italy find that old farming methods, especially women’s work like clearing leaves, help prevent wildfires, underscoring the value of these time-honoured techniques in protecting the land.