Woodland animals bathe in the moon's light glow.

Tethered by Moonglow

Moonlight influences animal behaviour, with many species adjusting activity, particularly in tropical forest environments.

The Nature of the Selfie

Social media boosts nature tourism but disrupts wildlife, prompting calls for ethical guidelines to protect vulnerable species and biodiversity.

The Giraffes of Bénoué

The critically endangered Kordofan giraffe in Cameroon faces threats from poaching and habitat loss, with fewer than 300 individuals remaining.

Tasting Geckos

Geckos can use their tongue to differentiate their own odour from that of other members of their species.

Shrinking Rhinos

Over the past century, rhino horns have likely shrunk because of hunting. This has been documented by scrutinising over a century’s worth of photos.

The Decline of Animal Rights

Speciesism is defined as the assumption of human superiority leading to the exploitation of animals. Yet new research has found that this is a behaviour that is likely learned during adolescence, with children thinking that animals ought to be treated better.

Giggling Guano

Beneath cloudy, frigid skies outcrops of fertilised laughter glare knowingly from sneering seas; their steady retreat stained by the crooked smile of those who know

Suffocating Salamanders

Your translucent skin Gasps gently for breath In the Land of the Noonday Sun; A mountainous vista Unexpectedly replaced With Ziploc bags and Moist paper

The Death of Titus

On the night that Titus fell His night nest was not empty, Not empty, but silent. His body still warm, Still warm to receive The

Brittle Eyes

Across the vibrant reefs you snake and crawl, In search of shelter from an unseen threat; The shadows write their names in salty scrawl, Your