The Bee’s Vapid Poison

Bees cannot detect common lethal pesticides in nectar, risking inadvertent consumption and population decline.

The Butterfly’s Gaze

Scientists have created a camera inspired by butterfly vision that detects ultraviolet light with 99% accuracy, enhancing diagnostics for cancer detection.

Between Sky and Sand

Ancient Roman forts across northern Fertile Crescent have been mapped using declassified Cold War spy satellite imagery.

Soiled Stowaways

Overseas shipping containers may introduce harmful organisms to local environments, potentially causing huge risks to biosecurity protection.

After the Flames

Smoke infiltration indoors after a wildfire carries volatile chemicals that present health challenges. Cleaning proves more effective than ventilation or air purifiers in reducing indoor smoke pollutants.

Fragrant Hues

Senses interplay profoundly; certain scents subtly shift people’s colour perceptions, making greys seem warmer, like reddish-brown when smelling cherries.

Flukes and Floats

Reducing fishing gear more effectively prevents humpback whale entanglements in California’s Dungeness crab industry compared to costly, data-intensive dynamic management strategies, ensuring marine safety and uninterrupted fishing.

Mnemic Medusae

Despite lacking a conventional brain, jellyfish demonstrate learning abilities, challenging our understanding of learning in animals.

Distilling a Galaxy

Supermassive black hole at the centre of a galaxy can have a direct impact on the galaxy’s chemical distribution.

Below Brittle Blades

Climate change alters plant-soil interactions, impacting decomposition rates.