Breathing Plastic

In Auckland, 74 metric tonnes of microplastics are dropping out of the atmosphere onto the city every year, the equivalent of more than 3 million plastic bottles falling from the sky.

Risky Resilience

In the Western United States, an increase in forest resilience has been linked with a higher mortality risk for trees.

Binding the Coast

Seagrass can reduce cliff erosion by up to 70% thanks to its root mats binding the sand.

Caring Corals

Corals resistant to disease can help protect more vulnerable corals. Raising corals with diverse genotypes builds resilience amid disease and climate changes in reefs.

Woody Infestation

Vines and climbing plants are more likely to infest smaller trees in Southeast Asian forests, with significant implications for global carbon storage and climate change.

Shrinking Rhinos

Over the past century, rhino horns have likely shrunk because of hunting. This has been documented by scrutinising over a century’s worth of photos.

Buzzing Electricity

Aerial insects carry an electric charge, with some insects, such as honeybees having a similar effect on atmospheric electricity as weather events.

Shipwrecked Sediments

Eighty years after it sank, a World War 2 warship is still polluting the local ecosystem.

Washed into Dust

The Salton Sea, California’s most polluted inland lake, is turning into toxic dust caused by a decline in Colorado River flow.

Forecasting Day Length

There has been a key breakthrough in the quest to accurately predict fluctuations in the rotation of the Earth and so the length of the day.