Rising Infection

In sweltering swamps, you seethe And sweat. Shedding layers to Acclimatise to the rising heat, Learning to bask in the warmth Of its embrace as

Contaminated Land

Ancient submerged volcanoes Rise up from the ocean floor, Their tips littering the landscape As tremendous shadows of the past Cast a barely visible film

Daylight Transmission

You sleep beneath a throbbing blanket, A whining drone that cuts through the night Like a monotonous call to prayer; Serrated sounds that test the

Growing Dark in the Cold

Beneath the dewy grass you seep, Wispy tendrils splayed out as complex Networks of finely-woven threads. Breaking through the earthy tomes Your tempting fruits throb

The Dance of the Dung Beetle

A sharp aroma seeps across the sky, You scurry to its source; Working quickly to carefully craft A sustaining sphere of pungent spice. With cargo

Deep-sea Tremors

From buried cracks And open wounds Shrouded scales Begin to seep. Cutting across murky waters Into buried memories And forgotten half-truths, Inky fingerprints Preserve their

A Thawing Habitat

Your barren canvas stretches Tightly across forgotten states; Caught between unforgiving waves And starry mountain peaks, Your pulse beats unhurriedly In this hibernation of solitude.

Bewildered Blooms

Hidden behind the fragility Of a sub-Antarctic archipelago, A speck of shamrock shimmers On a sea of turquoise.   Exploding into life this fleck Becomes

Glowing Green

Breathe in. Your crown of precious hues Glimmers in the setting sun; A steadfast declaration that Your appearance will not be Ordained by the passing

A Scavenging Song

Sea air shimmers in the evening haze; The gentle rays from a setting sun Reflect the remnants of the passing storm, Cascading skywards in prismic