Pink and Swollen Shores

Soda lakes, vital for diverse species like the Lesser Flamingo, face threats from rising water levels and declining phytoplankton, stressing the need for improved management and monitoring in East Africa.

Fettering their Nests

A 2013-2021 study on 6,000 species of birds revealed only 22% thrive in urban areas, underscoring the urgent need for targeted conservation strategies.

Shadows in the Glass

Drinking water has been shown to contain hidden, persistent chemicals called 2,6-DHNPs, posing severe health risks even at low levels.

Blue Reflections of Time

Using 45 Meyer’s spruce samples, researchers in North China traced a 281-year temperature record, highlighting blue light reflection’s crucial role in unveiling climate changes and linking global patterns.

Silence in the Depths

The deep ocean’s biodiversity is threatened by overfishing, particularly of deepwater sharks and rays.

Deforesting Disease

Deforestation in sub-Saharan Africa disproportionately increases malaria risk among the poorest, with a 27-33% rise in prevalence observed.

When the Sky Gathers Tears

Around the equator, heavy rainfalls and flooding impact millions. Research shows that global warming could intensify these events, challenging traditional forecasting methods.

Nuclear Transmutations

Scientists have developed a new technique to make nuclear waste safer by transforming it into stable elements, inspired by neutron star observations, promising advancements in clean energy and waste management.

Retreating Futures

New satellite data and machine learning models predicts a third of European Alps’ glaciers will retreat by 2050.

The Bee’s Vapid Poison

Bees cannot detect common lethal pesticides in nectar, risking inadvertent consumption and population decline.