The Giraffes of Bénoué

The critically endangered Kordofan giraffe in Cameroon faces threats from poaching and habitat loss, with fewer than 300 individuals remaining.


Dormant Disease

In the icy gloom where old gods sleep, microbes lie in wait with jealous, frozen rage – aching to be freed by the warmth of

Greening Strips of Change

Satellite data reveals unexpected vegetation trends along the arid Pacific slope of Peru and Chile, shedding light on climate change impacts on these sensitive ecosystems.

Echoes from the Deep

Deep-sea mining tests reveal that such activities can have broader and more significant impacts on marine life than previously assumed.

Feathering Their Nests

Birds globally use human waste in nest-building, a trend that offers some benefits but also poses risks.

Sprung too Soon

The climate crisis is altering seasonal timings, causing bird breeding and vegetation ‘greening’ to fall out of sync. This phenological mismatch is leading to decreased productivity and potential declines in North American bird populations.

Diminishing Depths

Despite increased water storage from new dams, the percentage of reservoir capacity filled with water is decreasing, underscoring the need for more effective water management strategies.

Toxic Flickers

Gas stoves in California and Colorado have been found to be a significant source of the toxic chemical benzene.

Symphony of the Stone Age

Stone Age people in Northern Israel used bird bone instruments, 12,000 years ago, possibly for communication, hunting, or music, and thus challenging the notion of them as primitive.

Blossom at Night

Night-time pollinators such as moths may visit just as many plants as bees, and should also be the focus of conservation and protection efforts.